Cultural Politics is published three times a year in March, July and November by Duke University Press. It's first seven volumes (March 2005 - November 2011) were published by Berg (Oxford, UK).
Artists Projects and essays freely available at Duke University Press:
Cultural Politics 2013 Volume 9, Number 1: 42-52. China's Vanishing Worlds:
Countryside, Traditions, and Cultural Spaces, by Matthias Messmer and Hsin-Mei Chuang
Cultural Politics 2013 Volume 9, Number 1: 86-94. Beginning and End Games: A Parable in 3D, by Claudia Hart
Special Issue: Rewriting Lyotard: Figuration, Presentation, Resistance
Volume 9, Number 2, July 2013 Special Issue Editors: Peter W. Milne, with Heidi Bickis, Rob Shields, and Kent Still. Cultural Politics 2013 Volume 9, Number 2: 219-226. Lyotard's Dance of Paint, by Leon Phillips
Cultural Politics 2013 Volume 9, Number 3: 296-312. The Indian Biennale Effect The Kochi-Muziris Biennale 2012, by Robert E. D'Souza
Cultural Politics 2012 Volume 8, Number 1: 79-95. An Introduction to Muqaddimah, by Murat Cem Mengüç and Dominic McGill
Cultural Politics 2012 Volume 8, Number 2: 254-271. A Time to Gather Stones: Nomadism after War in Susanne Slavick's Out of Rubble, by G. Roger Denson
Cultural Politics 2012 Volume 8, Number 3: 489-494. Horsepower Hubris, by Susanne Slavick
About Cultural Politics
This site is an archive of contemporary artist projects designed and produced for Cultural Politics (2005-2011).
Starting with Volume 8 (2012) artist projects have been made freely accessible by Duke University Press. They are available both in color html and in PDF formats without a subscription, through open access.
Cultural Politics (ISSN: 1743-2197) is an international, refereed journal that explores the global character and effects of contemporary culture and politics. It analyzes how cultural identities, agencies and actors, political issues and conflicts, and global media are linked, characterized, examined and resolved. In doing so, the journal explores precisely what is cultural about politics and what is political about culture. It investigates the marginalized and outer regions of this complex and interdisciplinary subject area.
Each issue includes unique projects by visual artists that reflect contemporary cultural and political issues, solicited and edited by New York artist Joy Garnett (Arts Editor for Cultural Politics' first year of publication was the artist Louise K. Wilson). Currently in print are projects by Nancy Spero, Paul Chan, Zoe Leonard, Stephen Andrews, Julia Meltzer & David Thorne, Carrie Moyer, David Humphrey, Dominic McGill and others.
Cultural Politics is published by Duke University Press. Access all articles online.
Cultural Politics is a welcome and innovative addition. In an academic universe already well populated with journals, it is carving out its own unique place—broad and a bit quirky. It likes to leap between the theoretical and the concrete, so that it is never boring and often filled with illuminating glimpses into the intellectual and cultural worlds. ~Lawrence Grossberg, University of North Carolina, USA.
Edited by
John Armitage, Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton, UK
Ryan Bishop, Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton, UK
Douglas Kellner, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Mark Featherstone, Book Reviews Editor
Joy Garnett, Arts Editor