The impact of George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949), via his Wikipedia entry:
Orwell's work continues to influence popular and political culture, and the term Orwellian — descriptive of totalitarian or authoritarian social practices — has entered the language together with several of his neologisms, including cold war, Big Brother, thought police, Room 101, doublethink, and thoughtcrime.
- Philp K. Dick: A Scanner Darkly novel (1977) and Richard Linklater's rotoscoped film adaptation A Scanner Darkly (2006)
- Cory Doctorow: Little Brother novel (2008)
So.....for Next Class (Feb 19):
READ or SKIM Chapter 1 from Orwell's 1984 :
Prepare Two Studio Proposals: one individual and one collaborative.
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