Joy Garnett: River (4), 2008, oil/canvas, 26 x 32 inches. Courtesy of Winkleman Gallery, NY
Beyond the Horizon
June 6 – September 23, 2011
Amy Lipton, guest curator
60 Wall Gallery, Deutsche Bank [Link]
Artists Reception: Wednesday June 15, 6-8pm
ID/RSVP required for entry: RSVP HERE
George Boorujy, Peter Edlund, Joy Garnett, Patricia Johanson, Eve Andree Laramee, Sarah McCoubrey, Jason Middlebrook, Aviva Rahmani, Lisa Sanditz, Charlotte Schulz, Eva Strubel, Sarah Trigg, Marion Wilson
Beyond the Horizon explores contemporary views of nature and habitat expressed through the tradition of landscape painting and drawing. Thirteen New York-based artists in Beyond the Horizon envision specific places from perceptual, historical and conceptual perspectives while at the same time they record the ongoing evolution of human interaction upon the environment. The works on view depict radical changes taking place across our global landscape, with the choice to look just "beyond the horizon" and find either environmental solutions or disasters.
Previously held notions of nature vs. culture have changed for the 21st century and it is increasingly clear that all of life is one interconnected and interdependent system. As such national and geographic borderlines can be perceived as social constructions. The subjective perception of the horizon is effective as an aesthetic device but is clearly irrelevant in a world where global environmental forces trespass all artificial boundaries. Horizon lines remain ever elusive and changing. Underlying the works in Beyond the Horizon is an acute awareness of globally shared ecological issues such as climate change, overpopulation, habitat changes, recycling, waste disposal, and reclamation. Some of the artists are committed to merging their art with action and implementation, while others are more interpretive. Using realism, fantasy or process as a source for imagination and transformation, they seek to create an awareness of loss and beauty in the marginal, the overused and the threatened.
Exhibition tours, an opportunity to 'Meet the Artists' and a panel discussion are planned.