This month (Nov. 8-17) Galerie Walu presents Schwarz Afrika, an installation with an intriguing twist for the visitor:
Galerie Walu invites you to a fascinating exhibition. For two weeks, cloth, tightly draped, will conceal the display windows of the art gallery. The visitor who enters the dark and shaded room is handed out an electric torch [flashlight on this side of the Pond -- Ed.]. Thus equipped, the visitor embarks on a suspenseful journey of exploration and discovery ...
By directing the torch, details, structures and colours are highlighted which otherwise pass unnoticed. Depending on the colour torch light temperature -- warm or cold -- and depending on the light's incidence and the movement of the torch colours and shapes will change until eventually the exhibits are seemingly instilled with live [sic] and start dancing in their own shadows. And suddenly one realizes that African art is a culture that is lived and experienced.