NEW ARRIVALS @ The Robert Goldwater Library No.60, Summer 2007 Please contact us to request a title or make a suggestion: Ross Day, Erika Hauser + Joy Garnett ______________________________________________ RECENTLY ARRIVED BOOKS Africa | Oceania | Americas | General AFRICA TITLE Autrement dits : Horizons centrafricains. [Exposition] du 4 février au 30 avril 2006 / musée de Noyers-sur-Serein IMPRINT La Ferté-sous-Jouarre : GEDA, 2006 AUTHOR Bognolo, Daniela TITLE Lobi IMPRINT Milan : 5 Continents, 2006 AUTHOR Cunningham, A. B & M. Elizabeth Terry TITLE African basketry : grassroots art from southern Africa IMPRINT Simon's Town, South Africa : Fernwood Press, 2006 AUTHOR François, Lionel... [et al.] TITLE L'ésprit et la matière : collection ethnographique de Côte d'Ivoire IMPRINT Paris : 2007 AUTHOR Goedefroit, Sophie TITLE Andolo : l'art funéraire sakalava à Madagascar IMPRINT [Paris] : IRD : Biro, c2007 AUTHOR Meyer, Laure TITLE Sculptures et masques d'Afrique noire IMPRINT Saint-Maur : Sepia, 2007 AUTHOR Osasona, C. O TITLE Ornamentation in Yoruba folk architecture IMPRINT Ibadan : Book Builders Editions Africa, 2006 AUTHOR Ott, Martin TITLE African theology in images IMPRINT Zomba, Malawi : Kachere Series, c2007 ================= OCEANIA AUTHOR Beran, Harry TITLE Massim : spatules a chaux : 8 juin-13 juillet 2000 IMPRINT Paris : Galerie Meyer, [2000] AUTHOR Carlier, Jean-Edouard TITLE Micronésie & Para-Micronésie : [exposition] du1 juin au 14 juilliet IMPRINT Paris : Voyageurs & Curieux, 2007 AUTHOR Cochrane, Susan TITLE Art and life in Melanesia IMPRINT Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Press AUTHOR Conte, Eric; Vinton Kirch, Patrick [et al.], editors TITLE Archaeological investigations in the Mangareva Islands (Gambier Archipelago), French Polynesia IMPRINT Berkeley, CA : Archaeological Research Facility, University of California, Berkeley, 2004 AUTHOR Duuren, David van TITLE Curiosities from the Pacific Ocean: A Remarkable Rediscovery in the Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam: Thirteen Ethnographics Objects from the Bruny D'Entrecasteaux Expedition (1791-1794) IMPRINT Leiden, 2007 AUTHOR Galipaud, Jean-Christophe + Lilley, Ian, éditeurs scientifiques TITLE Le Pacifique de 5000 à 2000 avant le présent : suppléments à l'histoire d'une colonisation : actes du colloque, Vanuatu, 31 juillet-6 août 1996 = The Pacific from 5000 to 2000 BP : colonisation and transformations IMPRINT Paris : Editions de IRD, 1999 AUTHOR Galipaud, Jean-Christophe; de Rosamel, Pierre TITLE Pohnpei : Micronésie en 1840 IMPRINT Paris : Editions IRD : Société des océanistes, 2005 AUTHOR Jager Gerlings, Johannes Hendrik TITLE Sprekende weefsels : studie over ontstaan en betekenis van weefsels van enige Indonesische eilanden = Telling textiles : study on the origin and meaning of textiles of some Indonesian islands IMPRINT Amsterdam : Schelten & Giltay, 1952 AUTHOR Kennedy, Brian P.; Smith, Margo W.; Konau, Britta TITLE Dreaming their way : Australian Aboriginal women painters IMPRINT Washington, D.C. : National Museum of Women in the Arts ; London : Scala, 2006 AUTHOR Keurs, Pieter ter TITLE Condensed reality : a study of material culture : case studies from Siassi (Papua New Guinea) and Enggano (Indonesia) IMPRINT Leiden : CNWS Publications, 2006 AUTHOR Klingelfuss-Schneider, Ursula (ed.); Adrario, Claudia ... et al.] TITLE Geflechte IMPRINT Basel : Museum der Kulturen : Schwabe, c2000 AUTHOR Motteler, Lee S TITLE Pacific Island names : a map and name guide to the new Pacific IMPRINT Honolulu : Bishop Museum Press, 2006 AUTHOR Spicer, Catherine TITLE Fiji masi : an ancient art in the new millenium / Catherine Spicer and Rondo B.B. Me ; photography by Catherine Spicer IMPRINT Burleigh Heads, Qld., Australia : Catherine Spicer and Rondo B.B. Me, 2004 AUTHOR Ryan, Judith TITLE Land marks: Indigenous art in the National Gallery of Victoria IMPRINT Melbourne : Council of Trustees of the National Gallery of Victoria, 2006 AUTHOR Stanley, Nick (ed) TITLE The Future of Indigenous Museums: Perspectives from the Southwest Pacific IMPRINT Berghahn Books, 2007 ================= AMERICAS AUTHOR Alva, Walter; Hurtado, Luis TITLE El señor de Sipán : misterio y esplendor de una cultura pre-Inca IMPRINT Alicante : Fundación Marq, 2006 AUTHOR Ashmore, Wendy, 1948- TITLE Settlement archaeology at Quirigua, Guatemala IMPRINT Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007 AUTHOR Bagot, Françoise TITLE El dibujo arqueológico. La ceramica : normas para la representación de las formas y decoraciones de las vasijas IMPRINT Lima : Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos : Biblioteca Nacional del Perú ; Mexico, D. F. : Centre français d'Études Mexicaines et Centraméricaines, 2005 AUTHOR Morris, John... [et al.] / edited by TITLE Archaeological investigations in the eastern Maya lowlands : papers of the 2006 Belize Archaeology Symposium IMPRINT [Belmopan], Belize : Institute of Archaeology, National Institute of Culture and History, 2007 AUTHOR Bjerregaard, Lena; von Hagen, Adriana / edited by TITLE Chachapoya textiles: The Laguna de los Cóndores textiles in the Museo Leymebamba, Chachapoyas, Peru IMPRINT Kobenhavn : Museum Tusculanum Press, 2007 AUTHOR Breglia, Lisa, 1972- TITLE Monumental ambivalence : the politics of heritage IMPRINT Austin : University of Texas Press, 2006 AUTHOR Carreón Blaine, Emilie A TITLE El olli en la plástica mexica : el uso del hule en el siglo XVI IMPRINT México : Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas, 2006 AUTHOR Cordero, Serafín TITLE Los charrúas : síntesis etnográfica y arqueológica del Uruguay IMPRINT Montevideo : Editorial "Mentor", 1960 AUTHOR Cornejo B., Luis E. TITLE Chimu: Laberintos de un Traje Sagrado = Labyrinths of a Sacred Costume IMPRINT Santiago : Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino, 2005 AUTHOR Cuddy, Thomas W., 1968- TITLE Political identity and archaeology in Northeast Honduras IMPRINT Boulder, Colo. : University Press of Colorado, c2007 AUTHOR Demarest, Arthur Andrew TITLE The Petexbatun regional archaeological project : a multidisciplinary study of the Maya collapse IMPRINT Nashville : Vanderbilt University Press, 2006 AUTHOR Demestre, Victoria Solanilla (ed.) TITLE Actas, III Jornadas Internacionales sobre Textiles Precolombinos IMPRINT Barcelona : Grup d'Estudis Precolombins, Universidad de Barcelona, 2006? AUTHOR de la Fuente, Beatriz & Beyer, Bernd Fahmel (coord) TITLE La pintura mural prehispánica en México : Oaxaca IMPRINT México, D.F. : Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2005 AUTHOR Gonzalez, Luis A. TITLE El arte del cobre en el mundo andino = Copper art in the andean world IMPRINT Santiago : Museo Chileno de arte precolombino, 2004 AUTHOR Greene, Candace S. and Russell Thornton (edited by) TITLE The year the stars fell : Lakota winter counts at the Smithsonian IMPRINT Washington D.C. : Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History : Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian ; Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, c2007 AUTHOR Hinojosa, Javier (photographs); García Moll, Roberto TITLE Mayas: Espacios de la memoria IMPRINT Mexico D.F. : Lindero Ediciones, 2000 AUTHOR Jansen, Maarten E. R. G. N. (Maarten Evert Reinoud Gerard Nicolaas), 1952- / and Gabina Aurora Pérez Jiménez TITLE Encounter with the plumed serpent : drama and power in the heart of Mesoamerica IMPRINT Boulder : University Press of Colorado, c2007 AUTHOR Johansson K., Patrick TITLE La palabra, la imagen y el manuscrito : lecturas indígenas de un texto pictórico en el siglo XVI IMPRINT México : Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2004 AUTHOR Ladrón de Guevara, Sara TITLE Imagen y pensamiento en El Tajín IMPRINT Xalapa, Ver., México : Universidad Veracruzana, 2005 AUTHOR Langebaek, Carl Henrik TITLE The pre-Hispanic population of the Santa Marta Bays : a contribution to the study of the development of the northern Colombian Tairona chiefdoms = Poblamiento prehispánico de las bahías de Santa Marta : contribución al estudio del desarrollo de los cacicazgos Tairona del norte de Colombia IMPRINT Bogotá : Universidad de los Andes, Departamento de Antropología ; Pittsburgh : University of Pittsburgh, Dept. of Anthropology, 2005 AUTHOR Libura, Krystyna TITLE Ocho Venado, Garra de Jaguar, héroe de varios códices IMPRINT México, D.F. : Ediciones Tecolote, 2005 AUTHOR López, José Gaxiola & Carlos Zazueta Manjarrez (editores) TITLE Historia general de Sinaloa : época prehispánica IMPRINT Culiacán, Sinaloa : El Colegio de Sinaloa, 2005 AUTHOR López, Yamile Lira; Sánchez, Carlos Serrano/ eds. TITLE Prácticas funerarias en la costa del Golfo de México IMPRINT México : UV, Instituto de Antropología : UNAM, Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas, Associación Mexicana de Antropología Biológica, 2004 AUTHOR Marcos, Jorge G TITLE Los pueblos navegantes del Ecuador prehispánico / Jorge G. Marcos IMPRINT [Quito] : Abya-Yala : ESPOL, 2005 AUTHOR National Museum of the American Indian (U.S.). George Gustav Heye Center TITLE Indigenous motivations : recent acquisitions from the National Museum of the American Indian IMPRINT Washington : National Museum of the American Indian, Smithsonian Institution, c2006 AUTHOR Olay Barrientos, Ma. de los Ángeles (María de los Ángeles) /; fotografía: Rafael Doniz TITLE Tesoros de Colima : hallazgos de ayer y hoy IMPRINT Colima : Gobierno del Estado de Colima : Universidad de Colima, 2005 AUTHOR Olmos Curiel, Alejandro TITLE Ruta arqueológica de Michoacán : zonas arqueológicas, pinturas rupestres y petrograbados IMPRINT Mexico, D.F. : Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, 2006 AUTHOR Pascual Soto, Arturo TITLE El Tajín : en busca de los orígenes de una civilización IMPRINT México, D.F. : CONACULTA, INAH : Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas, 2006 AUTHOR Pelissero, Norberto TITLE El Hombre de la Mascara de Oro IMPRINT Buenos Aires : Del Umbral, 2005 AUTHOR Pelissero, Norberto TITLE Ocaso de un pueblo indomito: Los Quilmes en la Argentina IMPRINT Buenos Aires : Del Umbra, 2005 AUTHOR Pereira Herrera, David M. + Brockington, Donald L., eds TITLE Mojocoya y grey ware : interacción espacial e intercambio entre la Amazonía, Chaco y Andes, 0 al 600 DC IMPRINT Cochabamba, Bolivia : Universidad Mayor de San Simón, 2005 AUTHOR Powell-Martí, Valli S. and Patricia A. Gilman/ edited by TITLE Mimbres society IMPRINT Tucson : University of Arizona Press, c2006 AUTHOR Ramírez C., Alfredo TITLE El Códice de Teloloapan IMPRINT México, D.F. : CONACULTA, INAH ; Miguel Angel Porrúa, 2006 AUTHOR Sabloff, Jeremy A. & Fash, William L. (edited by) TITLE Gordon R. Willey and American archaeology IMPRINT Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, 2007 AUTHOR Sepúlveda y Herrera, María Teresa TITLE Los lienzos de San Juan Cuauhtla, Puebla IMPRINT México : CONACULTA-INAH : Porrúa, 2005 AUTHOR Stuckenberger, Anja Nicole; with contributions by William Fitzhugh, Aqqaluk Lynge, Kesler H. Woodward TITLE Thin ice : Inuit traditions within a changing environment IMPRINT Hanover, N.H : Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College : Distributed by University Press of New England, 2007 AUTHOR Taylor, Colin F. and Dempsey, Hugh A. / coordinated and edited by TITLE The people of the buffalo : the Plains Indians of North America ; essays in honor of John C. Ewers IMPRINT Wyk auf Föhr : Tatanka Press, 2003-2005 AUTHOR Thiemer-Sachse, Ursula TITLE Un asunto redondo : reflexiones sobre las sociedades autóctonas en la región del Diquís/Costa Rica y Panamá, durante los últimos siglos antes de la conquista española y la importancia de las famosas bolas de piedra IMPRINT Frankfurt am Main : Vervuert ; Madrid : Iberoamericana, 2005 AUTHOR Tricallotis, Helena Horta TITLE Arte textil prehispanico: Disenos de los tejidos de la cultura Arica, norte de Chile (1000-1470 d.C.) IMPRINT Santiago : Editorial Universidad Bolivariana, 2005 AUTHOR VanPool, Christine S., 1969- TITLE Signs of the Casas Grandes shamans IMPRINT Salt Lake City : University of Utah Press, c2007 AUTHOR Vialou, Agueda Vilhena TITLE Pre-historia do Mato Grosso: Cidade de Pedra (v.2) IMPRINT Editora da Universidade de Sao Paulo, 2006 AUTHOR Wilson, Samuel Meredith, 1957- TITLE The archaeology of the Caribbean IMPRINT Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2007 ================= GENERAL AUTHOR Beyeler, Ernst TITLE Sammlung Beyeler IMPRINT Ostfildern : Fondation Beyeler, 2007 AUTHOR Haase, Evelin TITLE "In 64 Tagen um die Welt" : die ethnographische Sammlung von Carlos Götting IMPRINT Hildesheim : Olms, 2006 AUTHOR ter Keurs, Pieter/ edited by TITLE Colonial collections revisited IMPRINT Leiden : CNWS Publications, 2007 AUTHOR Mohen, Jean-Pierre TITLE Arts et secrets d'humanité IMPRINT Paris : Calmann-Lévy, c2006 AUTHOR Souty, Jérôme TITLE Pierre Fatumbi Verger : du regard détaché à la connaissance initiatique IMPRINT Paris : Maisonneuve et Larose, 2007 AUTHOR Viatte, Germain TITLE Tu fais peur, tu merveilles : acquisitions du Muse du Quai Branly, 1998-2005 IMPRINT Paris : Musée du quai Branly, 2006 AUTHOR Waterfield, Hermione TITLE Provenance : twelve collectors of ethnographic art in England, 1760-1990 IMPRINT Paris : Somogy, 2007 _________________________________________________________________