Strike III will feature Rollin', a silent auction curated by Geoffrey Hendricks and Pavel Zoubok. Plus limited edition prints by Karen Heagle.
Rollin’ is a silent auction of round artwork featuring international aritsts: Bill Armstrong, Barton Lidice Benes, Omar Chacon, Steve DeFrank, Marietta Ganapin, Geoffrey Hendricks, David Poppie, Donna Sharrett, Barbara Takenaga, Christopher Tanner, Richard Thatcher, and Mark Wagner. Images and advance bidding information will be online starting on May 4, 2009 at
Silver Bowling Ball, a limited edition print by Karen Heagle will also be available on the day of the event for $100 (valued $180). The purchase of a lane comes with a complimentary print.
Monday, May 11, 2009
300 New York @ Chelsea Piers
Pier 60, 23rd Street and West Side Hwy
To order online by PayPal click HERE
To pay by check, click HERE to download your RSVP form
To order by phone with a credit card* call 212-627-985
Individual $250
Single Lane $2,500, up to 6 bowlers + limited edition print
Double Lanes $5,000, up to 12 bowlers + limited edition print
Artist Tickets $150 (limited number of tickets available)
(*credit card payments are subject to a 3% surcharge)
All proceeds supports Visual AIDS. Visual AIDS utilizes the visual arts to promote AIDS awareness and, through the Frank Moore Archive Project, historicizes the contributions of artists with HIV and the estates of artists lost to AIDS.
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