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March 29, 2007

STRIKE! Visual AIDS Spring Benefit


Please join the Visual AIDS Board of Directors & Co-Chairs
Galerie Lelong, Cassie Rosenthal, Jack Shainman, and Pavel Zoubok at

Monday May 21 from 8-11pm

Chelsea Piers, 23rd Street and West Side Hwy.

Monday May 21 from 8-11pm

A night of bowling, dancing, art, cocktails, alley snacks, and more fun than you can shake a pin at!

The 2nd Annual VAVA (Visual AIDS Vanguard Award) Ceremony honoring:

Joy Episalla and Carrie Yamaoka
presented by Barbara Hughes

Nancy Spero
presented by Lesley Dill

Inaugural Bill Olander Award:

Stephen Andrews
presented by Glenn Ligon

Silent Auction of artists' bowling pins by
Polly Apfelbaum, Barton Lidice Benes, Mark Bradford, Geoffrey Hendricks, Markus Linnenbrink, Whitfield Lovell, Tom Otterness, Barbara Takenaga, Mark Wagner, and Lawrence Weiner


Limited Edition Bowling Shirts designed by Jonathan Seliger


Music by:

DJ Little Jukka AKA Nayland Blake and DJ Cur8tr AKA Edwin Ramoran


Individual $250

Patron Individual $500 (includes a limited edition bowling shirt)

VIP Patron Single Lanes $2,500 (up to 5 guests, includes limited edition bowling shirts)

VIP Patron Double Lanes $5,000 (up to 12 guests, includes limited edition bowling shirts)

RSVP by Monday May 14, 2007


(Download RSVP.pdf)

Benefit Committee:

Derrick Adams, Helen Allen, Marina Ancona and Jeanine Oleson, Paul Baglio, Jr., Tairone Bastien, Andrea Benzacar Dailey and Barbara Hughes, Booklyn Artists Alliance, Liz Brown and Liza Johnson, Scott Cameron, Ellen Cantrowitz, Mary Ellen Carroll, Christopher Burke Studio, DCKT Contemporary, Jamie Drake, Annette Gallo and Greg Gangemi, Andrew Greene, Howard Grossman, M.D., Martin-Christopher Harper, Barbara Hunt McLanahan, James Jaxxa, Arnold J. Kemp, Cathleen Koo, Victoria Lynford, John Lyons, Maison Gerard Ltd., malin+goetz, Gracie Mansion, Kathryn Markel, John Melick, Loren Mindak, Carrie Moyer and Sheila Pepe, Stefanie Nagorka, Mark O’Donnell and James E. McGreevey, October Projects, P.P.O.W., Mario J. Palumbo, Jr., Janet Phelps, Richard Presser, Josh Pushkin, Honorable Christine C. Quinn, Richard Renaldi, Brian Saltzman, M.D., Julie Saul, Trevor Schoonmaker and Teka Selman, Steven Sergiovanni, Sikkema Jenkins & Co, Michael Steinberg and Suzanne Slesin, Margaret Thatcher, Simon Watson, Donna Wingate


Come spend a night on the lanes and show your support for Visual AIDS!

Founded in 1988 by arts professionals as a response to the effects of AIDS on the arts community and as a way of organizing artists, arts institutions, and arts audiences towards direct action, Visual AIDS has evolved a two-part mission. 1) Through the Frank Moore Archive Project, the largest slide library of work by artists living with HIV and the estates of artists who have died of AIDS, Visual AIDS historicizes the contributions of visual artists with HIV while supporting their ability to continue making art and furthering their professional careers. 2) In collaboration with museums, galleries, artists, schools, and AIDS service and advocacy organizations, Visual AIDS produces exhibitions, publications, and events utilizing visual art to spread the message "AIDS IS NOT OVER." www.visualAIDS.org


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